Thursday, October 16, 2008

Drake's: Season 3

The Drake's

Epona: Adult Female - Sagittarius - Family - LTW: Raise 20 Puppies/Kittens
Belinu: Adult Male - Pieces - Fortune - LTW: Become World Famous Ballerina
Aine: Female Teenage - Cancer - Family - LTW: Marry off 6 children
Feichin: Male Toddler - Aries
Glenna: Female Toddler - Virgo

With winter gone and spring upon us, some of the gloom from da's death left the house. Soon after the bitter cold left as well, and was replaced by the crisp coolness of spring. It was during this wonderful renewal of the land and our own emotions that the twins grew up.

Glenna was first this time and then Feichin. There wasn't a party for them but Aine had invited the neighboors over so they were able to be there. I do belive Aine is becoming quite smitten with Beniamin.

Belinu and the twins went to bed that night so exhausted. Aine, Beni, Beta and I all stayed up talking and getting to know each other better. It was great to have a chance to talk with Beni and Beta, I knew that their grandmothers death had been very hard on them, and losing someone here like that was something I knew all to well. I offered my assistace if they ever needed anything. For being so young they are handling the whole situation so well. Beni, as the oldest feels the most weight I know, however Alina and Doina have really sholdered the bills while Beni takes care of the house with Beta's help. He even told me that they should have enough in scholarships to send he and Alina to college after graduation. If Aine and Beni do end up together I known that Beni will do everything in his power to take care of her and their family.

The twins love their father, at least one of them always goes out to say hi to their dad when he gets home from work.

I'm so happy that we have made it this far and have there 3 beautiful children. Now if I only I could convince him to bring home a few kittens or puppies. I mean I really only want like 20 of them, although, with 3 kids that might be rough to come home to after a long day of work. I'll just have to keep talking to him about it, and maybe when Aine goes off to college we can get the twins a puppy or kitten to help raise.

Sometimes I can still feel dad's presence in the house, usually at night when the kids are asleep. Belinu and I try and take advantage of the hours the children sleep now too, as we don't get much time together between work and the kids. I cherish the nights we get to spend snuggled up on the couch watching a movie of some kind. It actually makes me think of the days before the attacks, when we were first starting out.

We went to the lake all as a family together on Sunday, as has become the custom that ourselves and the neighbors have started. It was a bitter sweet time, as I missed da "showing us the ropes" and he would have loved to have seen Feichin and Glenna fishing. I just have to believe he is watching from somewhere seeing his amazing grandchildren continue to grow.

Belinu got another raise at work the other day. I'm so proud of him working his way up. When Aine leaves though I'm going to have to start making a few more friends to help him out. Hopefully the twins will be able to start making a lot of friends in school too so their dad's or mom's can get more publisity happening for the group Belinu dances with. He still works out on that bar every day, of course I find myself using it as a quick work out and it's a great way to stretch out some of the tension in my muscles after a long day of housework.

Just as I had suspected, later on in Spring Beni started dropping by more, and Aine would invite him over to work on homework together. Beni is almost ready to graduate, and Aine's got a few more years to go, but they laugh and talk quietly. I've caught Aine a few times just looking at him when he's working on somethig, but as soon as he looks up she starts acting like she's concentrating so hard. It reminds me of how I felt when I was falling in love with Belinu, and Beni wants the same things as Aine out of life. I know life has really been hard on him and the girls, but he hasn't let it spoil his own dreams for a family.

Late one night Glenna got up and found Aine and I talking in the living room. We sat on the couch and I made up some quick snacks for us to have. It was just a late girls night. Aine was asking me about kids and we got on the subject of adoption. I was telling Aine that the attacks had left a lot of kids without families because they had been taken and she got really kind of sad and ask why we had never adopted any kids. I explained to both my girls that while their dad and I loved kids and were so happy to have them with what we had to give up in the attacks we didn't have the money to adopt any of the others.

I will never forget what happened next. Aine got this really serious look on her face and said, when I'm done with college and get married, I will adopt some kids to make sure they have a loving love like we did. I am so proud of my daughters.

Aine says she sees her grandda every once in awhile in her room at night just watching her. The first time it apparently scared her nearly to death. He never says anything and always just quietly leaves, usually when she isn't looking.

I hope that he is here because he's gone when he needs to and just checks in sometimes and not because he never made it where he needs to. I'm sure ma misses him, and we never see her. I guess I probably will never know until I pass that way to see what happens.

Well spring is starting to change into summer. The days are getting warmer and the rain doesn't fall as much. As it begins to become nicer outside we all spend more time playing in the yard. It's nice that the twins are old enough now to be able to come outside and play without me having to watch their every movement.

I can only hope that summer will bring even more joy and peace to my family. Who knows maybe I'll finally get a puppy.....but I doubt I can talk Belinu into it.

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