Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Longwei's: Season 4

The Longwei's
Alina: Female Teen - Virgo - Romance - LTW: Become a Rock God
Beniamin: Male Teen - Sagittarius - Family - LTW: Marry off 6 Children
Doina - Female Teen - Aquarius - Fortune - LTW: Become a Prestidigitator
Elisabeta - Female Teen - Taurus - Family - LTW: Have 6 Grandchildren
(Forgive me Beta, I put a z in your name in the picture even though it's spelled with an s)

Summer started out very normal for our little family. We went to school, Alina went to work, we had friends over, and Beta asked me why we still took the bus instead of having a car like many of the other kids at school had. She already knew the answer of course, because we were trying to save as much money as possible to be able to afford college for the four of us. Each one of us had a reason to go to college, since we knew it would help us in the future. None of us wanted to continue to be "stuck" where we were financially, and Beta and I wanted a family. If she really wanted to she probably could forgo college as I know she felt she would end up being a full time mom, but she wanted to go. I think she's worried about finding a husband with anyone around here.

Now that it's summer again we all hang outside a lot more. Water balloons is always a really fun thing to play when it's and nice hot. I usually let the girls win, because they duke it out in the end. It's so great to have all of us in the same age range so we can get to know each other a little bit more. Playing out in the summer sun has also helped us to find a little more happiness and peace after grandmama's death.

We are all still very devoted to our studies. it's important to keep our grades up for college. It's not always fun, but after we finish we all try and do something that brings a smile to our faces. Alina and Doina now work after school as well. Both are working in the fields that interest them the most and so far they seem to enjoy them. I'm glad they are getting a chance to do something they feel they really want to do, and that they are enjoying it. Beta and I just stay at home and take care of the house. At first it really bothered me that the girls were the ones working and bringing home the money, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that they have dreams of working in their chosen fields, of having a major career, but myself and Beta, want families and want to be with our families and that is our dream. Now, that doesn't mean neither of us might work, or have to work to assist in supporting our families, or that the girls won't have a family of their own, but I shouldn't stifle the girls dreams just because I am having a "man" complex.

Of course so far this complex doesn't seem to bother Aine. Aine is our next door neighbor and I really began to notice her in the spring. She is the single most adorable girl I have laid eyes on since we have moved her. She has the most amazing red hair, and she really seems to work out. Of course her father is a dancer so they have things to help him keep in shape I know they all enjoy using from time to time.

We also want the exact same things out of life. I told her once about my dream of having 6 children get married and so got so excited and told me about how she wants the exact same thing. I adore this women, and nothing is going to change my mind about that.

Now I noticed that I was beginning to put on some weight, and Beta really wanted to get into shape again as well, so we went and bought a ballet bar. It was the cheapest of all exercise equipment and was what Aine's father uses to keep himself in shape. We all really enjoy it. Right now it's outside as there isn't a lot of room inside to use it right now. Beta was really glad I got it too, as she was feeling like she was starting to add on the pounds herself.

Aine and I hang out a lot now a days. Typically she comes over to our house after school. She says it's a little easier to study since the twins are still pretty young and her house and tend to make it quite noisy for studying purposes. Doina is really enjoying her job in entertainment, and we all still enjoy painting.

Of course dancing is still a huge thing for us to do in this household. Apparently sometime before I got into high school there was a girl from an island country somewhere that came and stayed here for awhile to student under an exchange program. Well when she came she taught the school a new dance, Hula. Well now the rest of us are learning the Hula too thanks to her. It's a really fun dance to do, but it's kind of hard to perfect.

It seems it's even spread at Academie La Tour as well. That is where Alina and I are planning on attending as well as Doina and Beta. It's the closest college and allows us to be able to come back home quickly if anything happens or needs attending to while we are away. We met with some of the head people there, and before you knew it there was the mascot coming to cheer us into school, dancing away at the hula to.
I sometimes wonder what grandmama would think about Aine. I'm sure that she would be thrilled that I have met someone that can help me to carry on the family name of Longwei. I wish deep in my heart sometimes while I hold Aine in my arms before she leaves that grandmama could meet her.
It was such a beautiful summer this year that the girls and I really enjoyed the fact the mall had a huge pool to use. We'd go down there and jump into the nice cool water and swim around. It had really paid off to have that ballet bar as we were all getting back into pretty good shape, and hanging out in the pool was great.
After a terrific day of swimming, and sometimes a little shopping we would treat ourselves to a nice dinner at the restaurant they have there. I'm sure we were always quite a sight sitting there in our bathing suites and eating our meal. This was a great time for us because we all got a change to sit down together and eat. This was getting rarer and rarer and harder and harder to accomplish with us all moving in the different directions.

Towards the end of summer I invited Aine and her family over to our house. Glenna, Feichin and their mom Epona came with Aine. Their father Belinu couldn't make it. Beta and my family instincts kicked in and we played with the twins for awhile. We pushed them on the swings and chased them around the yard.

After dinner was over we all went back out into the yard and had a water balloon fight. Even Aine's mom got into the action. We played until it start getting darker in the sky, and Epona said the twins needed to get home. Aine decided to stay for just a little while longer. I really am crazy about that girl.

Sunday, as usual, we went to the lake. It was just a beautiful summer day and we saw all the neighbors there as well as many people form the other small towns that had cropped around the area. I was really glad the lake was so close. Beta managed to catch a really big fish that day. It would feed us for a week I swear.

We all managed to catch some fish, but Alina struggled with hers, catching more boots that day then fish. Still it was a good time, and it was nice to spend time as a family and with the neighbors.

Finally as Summer was beginning to end I invited Aine over to work on some homework projects together. Before she went home I did what I never thought I would have the guts to do, I kissed Aine. My first real kiss. It was after that kiss that Aine and I decided to start going steady as boyfriend and girlfriend. It was the best way I could think of to end my summer.

There is one more bit of news to tell you. I know that Alina isn't that interested in having a family, and actually dreams more of us having a lot of different guys in her life. It might be something she grows out of in college, or it may just remain that way, I can't be sure. However, on the last day of summer she had invited her friend Ricky over from school. He seems like a very nice boy, and Alina says he's really sweet. Well that night I peaked outside and saw them share their first kiss as well. Never seems to be many dull moments around this family. I would not be the first to complain about some though. Well with that final update and the summer season ending it is time for me to turn my thoughts towards college, much as Alina is. We shall both head to university next season and see what happens then.


sims2fan08/tacy00p said...

Awww, first kisses, so sweet! I hardly ever let my teens have a life, they often get their first kiss at college, haha. I'll have to get better at that. :)

ciyrose said...

Yeah, it was really quite cute. I had never put Beni and Aine together at first, but they sort of found each other on their own and I started looking at the fact they have the same LTW, 2 birds with one stone. lol. Alina just kept rolling wants for a first kiss so I thought I would give it to her. :) I love this family.